Sunday, June 9, 2013

Behind the scenes

In the making of the studio. XD 

Can of mother and mess!  




 Darkening the pixelated prints!

 Dogs under the table! 

 Making of cheap studio! 

 Test 1! 

 Test 2! 

Test 3! WE LIKE THIS! 

Test 4 Angle!

Small worker forced to clean my products and make a background for the site! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA LOOKIT HIS FACE HAHAHAHHHA. Ok I am so mean. Don't worry, this was staged, and his idea to take all my products out of my lair :'( 

Friday, June 7, 2013

Empire Hotel

When Skip and I was back in Brunei at the end of February this year, we booked a night at the Empire Hotel (Get to use dad's company's membership kekkeekekekekekeeke). The receptionist asked if we were gonna have any parties. I was like...bitch please, I'm too old for that... and I have no friends left in Brunei other than Gretsen. Ok, no seriously, I said no. Just a couple's thing. I'm guessing alot of people do that huh.. using their daddy's card to book a night and have parties. Cheh. I do that too bwhaahahhaah (hypocrite..) but not this time! That is too mainstream. Instead this...


Notice the ciggerettes in Skip's photos? Rofl. 

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Another hair dye session

Dyed my hair today. This time I used the Beautylabo brand. Its another whip dye similar to Liese and Dahria Palty. So I guess you can say I have a new best friend! :D

Preparation wise, its different compared to Liese and Dahria Palty. As mentioned before, Liese's way of prepping it, you need to shake the bottle sideways. You won't see the foam until you squeeze the contents out. Dahria Palty requires you to stir. With Beautylabo, you shake vigorously up and down. Immediately it starts to foam up, to the point your shaking won't seem like its doing anything, but its advised to be shaken 30 times.

This is how it looks after its shaken:

          Orange juice, anyone? 

And the contents:

Looks and smells very edible........o.o

This is how my hair looks like before dying it:

Blegh! Faded Raspberry Jam XD Uneven colours due to my previous highlighted bleach hair long before I started dying hair at home. 

Skip walked in while I was in the middle of applying the foam on my hair and he said the room smells really good, so good news is, there is hardly any ammonia smell! 

I can't speak for anyone here, but it gets hell tangled up when I apply it. So when you apply it, its best to start from the roots first. Okie? 

Looks really ugly here......

The parts that is in contact with your skin, is ok. It washes off easily and doesn't stain your skin. As you can see, it dries back to its powder form. (I forgot to take a picture of its contents, but basically you need two base to make the foam. The powder which is the dye, and the liquid thingy that mixes with the dye.) So hence, when it dries up, it goes back to sort of its powder form. 

So, I have a confusion here to what it really looks like. When I look in the mirror, I think it looks like this. So I guess real life my skin colour is like that too :O I am so yellow! 
I did a cheat one mermaid hair here hehehehehe. The colour is more even, and it looks 

And this is how it looks like most of the time in photos, especially with flash. 
Creepy how its almost the same pose but different hair and skin colour O.o 

It looks reddish. I know. But mind you, its different from the previous colour I used which was the Raspberry Jam by Dahria Palty. To refresh your memory of that colour, here it is. 

Tell me there is a difference and that I am not blind lol! 

So yea. I have come to love dying my hair at home. I did create a lil mess but thats cause I was shivering from the cold. Starting to dislike winter, especially since I am down with the flu now zzzz. 

So my verdict? 

I still love all 3 Liese, Dahlia Palty and Beautylabo. All three smells very nice, colours applied to hair come out even (but for some odd reason I am always missing my side burns area :S), washes off like shampoo (my hair untangles itself). 

The downside is, for Liese and Dahria Palty you need two of them for long/thick hair whereas Beautylabo, one bottle is enough. More than enough! By long hair I don't mean those people who have long hair up til their butts! So yes, I am satisfied with the third brand and I definitely recommend it! 

I am also selling them, links on the top tab if you can see! ^^ 

I REALLY love this photo. Amoi's teeth and Habibi's pose. Super wtf XD XD