Monday, July 29, 2013


Let's face it. Everyone has their own story. Whether you're a rich spoiled brat or dirt poor beggar.

Funny thing is, when someone tells you a story, you would either compare your own story or sympathize with the persons story.

I don't know how other people feel when they tell their story, but I was on both sides. I would compare and I would sympathize depending on several factors. But that is just me. I was bias in a way where, if I can see more of the good happening in your life than the bad, then why on earth are you complaining?

But when you start comparing stories, that means you're being judgmental. I realized that and have stopped comparing since. There is really no point in comparing. And okay, so if you feel your story is larger than the other's, keep that to yourself.

Other people's story is big to them, though small to you. Nomatter what, you will have a story, and will always be up to you if its big or small. Just be proud you pulled through it and lived to tell the story.


Ever wondered why guys cannot understand what we want sometimes? And yet, we refuse to tell them because we want them to figure out what the hell it is we want? And then when you finally told them what it is and then don't want it anymore because they couldn't figure it out themselves? Admit it. I know alot of you guilty of that. So am I.

So.. question is.. why do we do that?? I reckon, its because, well, after so long of being together, you would think that your other half would know what you like and want right? And then when you actually, seriously, omg did so well and figured it out, presented it to her, she becomes extra nice and loves you more yes? Why can't we just outright tell you what we want? Makes everyone's life so much easier, avoids petty bickering, and less white hair growing for the guys. I'm guessing because.. we just want to be swept off our feet. I dunno. I haven't found the logic yet.

I had a colleague, very interesting girl. She basically have a manual for her man. "Don't buy that for me during Christmas, I want this this this this". She need not any surprises. She PREFERS he don't surprise her just so her man doesn't buy the wrong thing. Something she wouldn't like or use or even need. Makes me wonder, how to do that? I reckon its something to do.. with her own story ;)

Anyway, rant done. Have a good one guys^^

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